A book review by C. 3e
The author is Jack London. In this story, the main character is White Fanf but there are also other characters. White Fang is half-wolf and half-dog. There are many adventures for the main character in this book. But what adventures does White Fang expect ? To know the adventures of White Fang you should read this book !
This book is not difficult to read. Many people can read it because if you don’t understand all the words you can understand the story anyway so it is cool. I recommend this book to the people who like stories of adventure.
This book is good because it is quick to read and the story is interesting. It is good for the people who like learning English. However this story also exists in French so if you don’t understand this story in English you can read it first in French to understand it.
This book is very good so you should check it out ! This book is good to help you in English because it is simple and quick to read. You must read this book !